Shallow Marine Research Group
The Shallow-Marine Research Group comprises the following staff. Note that there are a larger number of PhD students affiliated to SMRG, and therefore a wider set of deliverables, then originally envisaged.
Co-principal investigators
Professor of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Professor of Sedimentology
Professor of Clastic Sedimentology
Research fellow
Research Fellow
Affiliated research fellow
Research Fellow
PhD students
Albertina Nakashole Title: Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphy of the Namibian continental shelf: sediment dispersal patterns and coarse-grained coastal landforms [completed] My Debmarine funded research aimed to use heavy mineral assemblages to link the erosional record of drainage basins with the depositional record of sedimentary basins using deposits in the palaeo- Orange River and offshore southern Namibia. This novel source-to-sink approach demonstrated that the clast and matrix assemblage have different sources, but that fluvial and marine gravels have similar detrital heavy mineral assemblage. |
Title: Stratigraphic architecture of shallow-marine systems in syn-rift to post-rift settings [2015-2019] My research focuses on how shallow marine systems respond spatially and temporally to the interplay of allogenic controls in rift settings. A novel numerical modelling approach resolves and quantifies eustasy, sedimentation and tectonic controls to predict the resultant variation in stratigraphic architecture along-strike of normal faults. The model has been applied to field (Gulf of Corinth) and subsurface (Central Graben, North Sea) data to understand the sedimentary response to various scenarios on different length scales. Hydrocarbon implications include: 1) the diachroneity of key surfaces for cross-hole correlations, 2) along-strike stratigraphic pinch-out assessment, and 3) prediction of stacking in areas with poor data constraint. |
Title: The continental shelf: a conveyor and/or filter of sediment deep water? [2015-2019] My research investigates the role of the continental shelf in determining how and when sediment of different calibre and maturity is transported into deep-water basins, with a specific focus on clinothem sequences that have a complete topset-foreset-bottomset profile. In particular, I have developed large quantitative grain-character databases from two study areas: offshore New Jersey (IODP 313 Core) and the Sobrarbe Deltaic Complex (Ainsa Basin). The application of my will help geoscientists to improve prediction of reservoir quality in foreset and bottomsets deposits using topset grain character analysis. |
Affiliated PhD students
Ru Wang Title: Allogenic and autogenic controls on fluvial system development, accumulation and preservation (incised valley dimensions) [2016-2020] |
Michelle Shiers Title: Sedimentology of fluvial channel-to-overbank transitions in low- and high-accommodation settings: an outcrop case study from the Upper Mesa Verde Group, Utah, USA (Fluvial-marine transition zone work) [completed] |